Reduce Stupidity in Nigeria by Holding Politicians Accountable - Utomi

Reduce Stupidity in Nigeria by Holding Politicians Accountable - Utomi NIPR, COOU hosts HRM Obi Alfred Achebe 2nd Lecture Series

By Uzo Ugwunze

The renown Political economist, Prof Pat Utomi has tasked Nigeria Institute of Public Relations (NIPR) to reduce the stupidity and idiocy in the country by holding political office holders accountable as a means to achieving peace and Reconciliation among tribalized Nigerians.

Pat Utomi made the statement during  the HRM Obi Alfred N. Achebe 2nd Lecture series organized by the NIPR in collaboration with Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University (COOU), at ETF Auditorium Igbariam, Anambra East LGA. Anambra State.

Utomi while delivering his Lecture themed " Archiving Peace and Reconciliation in Nigeria: The Public Relations Approach" said that many self centered Nigerians say and do things out of selfishness or along tribal lines thereby seeing other people who are not their relatives, ethnicity or religion as enemies even when they were not enemies.

According to him "Politicians have a way of looking for people to blame and ordinarily people especially in this part of the world are gullible. When people hear things especially in this era of social media they do not bother to verify before forming their opinion about others.

"Berkeley an Economic historian and another Public policy scholar in US, Carlo M Cipolla just as the Greeks, categorized man in society into four types of people. The Intelligent or citizens, the bandits, the unfortunate and the stupid or idiots".

"Stupid people are counterproductive to both theirs and others' interests.The stupid seek to harm others without benefiting from it. Idiots only know themselves, relatives, religious group, tribesmen/ethnic group, anybody outside their tribe is an enemy and should be silenced".

"Bandits are those who benefit themselves by harming others. The Unfortunate are those who do harm while trying to benefit others. The Intelligent are those who aim to benefit themselves and others".

Anytime you see a person cheering passionately for a politician whose conduct does not make sense or who harm the common good, you are looking at a stupid person no matter their characteristics of education, wealth or social status. When idiots become stupid the society is in grave crisis".

"Stupidity comes dressed as journalists, academics, and even men of God. Silence in the the face of evil is itself evil, and not to speak is to speak as not to act is actually to act".

"Part of the calling of the Public Relations work is to hold politicians accountable; To reduce influence of stupid people in Nigeria". 

"Our goal had been to show we can effectively execute the creation of good will derived from plans and programs alligned to National strategy and vision of a future Nigeria devoid of the dysfunctions of ethnic, religious and other cleavages; seek cooperation between peoples with a communication plan to sustain desired goodwill to enable achievement of national goals and citizen commitment to the common good", said Utomi. 

Earlier in her welcome address, the Co-host, Acting Vice Chancellor of COOU, Prof Kate Omenuhga after eulogizing Igwe Obi Alfred Achebe as a noble man and Late Chief Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu whom he described as a man known for his resilience counted herself honored to feel in the shoes of Prof Greg Nwakoby who was VC when the Lecture series was initiated stated: "this resonates with the 3Vs of our administration - Values, Viability and Visibility. We have a dream in setting up the  Alfred Achebe lecture  series.   May this dream not die". 

"Our Distinguished Guests, Gentlemen of the Press, the theme of today, "Achieving Peace and Reconciliation in Nigeria: The Public Relations Approach" is both timely and critical. Nigeria is a land of extraordinary diversity, a tapestry woven from a multitude of ethnicities, languages, and cultures. While diversity enriches our national identity, it also presents challenges that if left unaddressed, can lead to discord and ultimate disunity. 
At Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, we are alive to these diversities and thus equipping our students with skills needed to deal with it".  

"This year's HRM Obi Alfred Nnaemeka Achebe's Lecture presents a platform not just for learning, but for inspiration and action. As a community of scholars, practitioners, and advocates, it is our responsibility to harness our knowledge to influence public sentiment and encourage collaborative action towards peace", said Omenuhga. 

In his remarks, HRM Obi Alfred N Achebe(Agbogidi) said:  "we have a body that meets every Friday night by 9pm via zoom to discuss our burden for Nigeria, how Nigeria can become a good and better country which it is designed to be".

" I started my career a Human Resources and ended in Corporate Affairs in Shell Company. I later became the conscience of Ogoni people by telling Shell Company the truth where they did not get it right. I heard sessions with Gen. Sani Abacha where I gave verifiable and objective reports.  Your biggest asset is your image". 

"Leadership is critical in family, companies and the country. It does not come by chance, you work for it just like Bill Clinton told John F Kennedy as a chap that he would be like him and worked it out and eventually became a United States president .The country must create an environment to nurture leadership. We need a change for the better".

At Onitsha, in 2002,I told my people my leadership would be based on truth and transparency. We have programs on leadership and Entrepreneurship, we told ourselves that every 5 years 1 Onitsha person can become a digital millionaire. Onitsha Development trust Fund which is just 1 month old has attracted 30 million naira. We need to reestablish and reorient our values. Value of honesty, hardwork, etc", said Igwe Achebe.

The Occasion Chairman, Sen. Ben Ndi Obi eulogized NIPR and COOU under the leadership of Dr Ike Neliaku and Prof Kate Omenuhga respectively for hosting the HRM Prof Alfred Achebe Lecture series as a platform for promotion peace and transparency saying that the county is in dire need of Peace,Reconciliation and Fairness.

"Peace remains one of the foundations of stable and sustainable development. Without peace justice and equity,we can achieve nothing as an individual, organization and as a country", he said.

Contributing, Anambra State Commissioner for Information, Dr Law Mefor welcomed the August visitors to the state saying that Anambra State was  being rebranded with many ongoing and completed projects. 

"Move around and see Onitsha is being remodeled, brand new Govt house and so on. Prof Utomi tasked the NIPR to reduce the stupid people especially amongst politicians. Soludo is reducing illiteracy by free education to break generational poverty transfer, reducing unemployment through 1 youth 2 skills training and empowerment of about 10,000 youths. I thank you for choosing Anambra and may this lecture outlive all of us", said Mefor.

Highlights of the event include decorations of Prof. Pat Utomi as a Fellow of NIPR and award presentation to deserving members and associate members of NIPR

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